COVID-19 Vaccine General Info
COVID-19 Vaccines Distributed and Administered: Click here
This is the cumulative, national number of COVID-19 vaccine doses distributed and administered. This data will be updated daily with data from the previous day.
Current ACIP for Phased Allocations (Click here for the presentation slides from 12/20/2020)​​
Phase 1a: LTC Facility Residents and Health care personnel (includes pharmacy staff).
Phase 1b: persons aged ≥75 years and frontline essential workers.
Phase 1c: persons aged 65–74 years, persons aged 16–64 years with high-risk medical conditions, and other essential workers.
Clinical Educational Resources for COVID-19 Vaccine
This website will be the primary source of information for each vaccine approved by the FDA.
As of 12/20/20, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Vaccine information available.
Contains EUAs, Clinical Considerations, FAQs, Storage Considerations, etc.
Bookmark this website for current and future use.
Check back at this website for future approved vaccines to obtain EUA Fact Sheets
Public Facing Page: Click here
COVID-19 Vaccine Electronic Consent Form Example
Click here to view the example that Medicap Pharmacy (CPESN IA) is using within JotForm (an electronic HIPAA Compliant tool).
View the template form that is titled "COVID Vaccine Consent Form - CPESN."
If you have JotForm, you can utilize the template and tailor to your pharmacy.
If you do not have JotForm, you can still utilize the ideas to create your own form.
mRNA Vaccine Overview (12/21/2020)
CPESN Georgia has provided a summary document that is adapted from CDC’s Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States