Best of Pharmacy Focused Efforts
Pharmacy Workflows Strategies
Best Practice: Preparing for Flu Clinics
Ashley Hannings, a faculty member at UGA College of Pharmacy, coordinates numerous off-site flu clinics in preparation for flu season. She developed COVID-friendly mobile immunization clinic procedures to deliver flu clinics safely in the fall.
Click on the link to view the COVID-19 Mobile Immunization Clinic Procedures that she made and customize it to meet your needs.
Best Practice: Create an Operations Manual for your Pharmacy to Contain all COVID-19 Procedures
Combine CPESN best practices and your pharmacy-specific COVID-19 operations into one single document.
Share with team leads as updates occur so that they can easily access the information.
Update and revise continually as new CPESN best practices are released
Download Good Day Pharmacy's manual, last updated 4/20/2020, to regularly update and make specific to your pharmacy.
Best Practice: Develop a contingency plan with a neighboring pharmacy in the
event that one of the pharmacies have to close.
Contact a local pharmacy within your area (e.g., within your local CPESN network) to discuss possible plans of action if different scenarios arise (See 'Contingency Discussion' for topics to review like Alison Haas did).
Discuss ways to support each other including sharing staff to keep pharmacies open, managing drug shortages, and transferring prescriptions if one pharmacy is forced to temporarily shut down.
Maintain frequent open lines of communication between local pharmacies about health of employees, risk of exposure and number of COVID-19 cases in respective counties.
Best Practice: Communicate Pharmacy Operation Changes with Staff Regularly
Pharmacy staff need to know that pharmacy owners/managers have their best interest in mind while knowing the need for pharmacy services to continue
An easy way to communicate with staff is to text them the night before or the morning of the next shift with any reminders/changes.
Best Practice: Remote Data Entry and Processing
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) is providing guidance to State Boards of Pharmacy for remote work and the State has prerogative to make changes.
NABP is updating States' implemented Emergency Orders and Board Actions; click "NABP Summary" to view.
Within the "Special Conditions" section, you will find updated information on remote pharmacy work.
Note: Some states already have remote pharmacy work written into regulations, be sure to review.
Best Practice: Develop a COVID-19 Action Plan
Information can be found through the Pharmacy Focused Strategies
Examples of information to include:
Ways to protect the staff​
Prescription Intake Procedures
Curbside Service Procedures
Register Procedures
Mullins Pharmacy Example can be found on the left with accompanying staff worksheets
Best Practice: Medication Synchronization
Identify at risk patients (> 65 yo and any patient with serious underlying medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease)
Enroll these patients in medication synchronization
Initiate the appointment-based model
Provide ongoing monitoring and follow-up based on patient’s clinical presentation
Maximize the medication synchronization program with adjusted processes during the pandemic
Filling medications 2 to 5 days earlier than normal fill
Monitor refills
Monitor medication shortages
During call with patient, check on other supplies needed
Hand sanitizer, thermometer, OTC products, etc
Utilizing home delivery or mailing (
Enroll patients in medication synchronization so that the pharmacy has control over inventory, not the other way around.
Consider only filling 30 day supply
90 day supply only can help treat 1 patient, whereas a 30 day supply of the same med can treat 3 patients. Hopefully by the next fill, the medication won't be on backorder.